In the late 1990s, the area served by Allen Memorial Hospital was in jeopardy of not having ambulance services due to the potential of Allen Hospital closing due to financial reasons. In 2000, Mercy Hospital (formerly Community Health Partners) and Oberlin College supported the continued operation of Allen Memorial Hospital.
In a joint effort by multiple political subdivisions, a district was formed called Central Lorain County Joint Ambulance District. Camden Township, Henrietta Township, New Russia Township, Pittsfield Township, The Village of Kipton, and The City of Oberlin joined together with equal representation to plan and operate the district.
A 3 mill levy was supported by the voters. The newly formed Ambulance District contracted with the Hospital - now Mercy Allen Hospital - to manage the EMS personnel.
Over time, equipment was replaced with new and modern upgrades, finances improved, and the tax levy was adjusted accordingly. The District's Mission Statement of providing the best possible emergency service at a reasonable cost has been our guiding mission ever since.